Meet Who We Named the Shay Shacket After!

Meet Who We Named the Shay Shacket After!

Shay is a gentle fire of a woman. She is soft, yet bold. She listens first and speaks last. She is full of wisdom and you will never find anything but a life-giving word coming from her mouth. She is creative in a way no one else is, putting together new ideas as if it is second nature to her. She creates beauty with everything she touches; making flower confetti, words written on her mirrors, or the way she can rearrange her home to make old items look brand new with one simple move.
She fights for people. She's full of hope that people will experience new and better in this lifetime and works to help anyone/anywhere she can.
She is an adventurer. Always in the mountains, a field of flowers, or just driving around taking in all the beauty around her- you can't keep her couped up for long.
This Shacket, I feel, is a true representation of her. Gentle yet sturdy as wool, warm and comfortable to be around, always ready for an adventure no matter the conditions. A freedom fighter.
We are so honored to have her name on one of our pieces! She has been there to encourage, love, and endlessly support me (Ashley) from the moment I took over Lev.
Love you, Shay. I am so honored to call you “friend”. You are a gift I will never stop being grateful for.

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