5 Ways to Prep Your 🧠  & ❤️ for the New Year

5 Ways to Prep Your 🧠 & ❤️ for the New Year

Bye 2020, don't let the door hit you on the way out 😒 Without a doubt, this year has left us battered and bruised. As we look forward with hope and expectation for all 2021 has in store, let's take intentional steps to get our heart centered, our minds quiet, and ears open to hear what's next for this coming year.


|| 5 Ways to Prep for the New Year ||

1. Rest

This has been a year of pivoting, loss, and rapid resilience. Stress is at an all time high and before you can move into this next season it is important to recognize and allow space for rest. Real rejuvenating rest. Not to be confused with escapism or numbing behaviors. You may have to fight for it, you may not be good at it, but we promise you, working from rest is way more sustainable and enjoyable.

You can take a weekend or push pause for a week. Do not underestimate your rested self. She is a fierce world changer


2. Pray/Meditate

Create time and space to get quiet. Even if 5:00am is the only time your house is still, do it! Praying and meditating help cut the noise and get you focused. This daily practice will help you hear next steps for your day, week, month... It also creates space for important truth and revelations to make their way from your head to your heart. It is a great time to journal what you are hearing.


3. Find a focus word, phrase, and/or verse for the year.

What keeps coming up in your prayer/meditative time? Write down what is standing out. Can it be boiled down to a simple word or phrase? Some examples would be, "rest", "stay in your lane", "I am a thermostat, not a thermometer", "be still and know I am God", "I am a human being, not a human doing". This focus is something you can come back to as a reminder throughout the year.


4. Write down your dreams for 2021

DO NOT SKIP. This is so important. You can write it, sketch it, or create dream a board. It is important to move our dreams and goals from inside our hearts to the outside. Even speaking them out loud to a trusted friend is powerful!


5. Post it!

Put up your focus word, phrase, or verse and dreams for 2021 in a space you will see and visit often. In your home office, on your bedroom wall, night stand, bathroom mirror, phone home screen, any place where it will be in your face.

We cannot wait to see all you will be and accomplish this coming year! Thank you for being a part of this community changing the lives of women worldwide.

Happy New Year!

xoxo Krystle + Abby


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